Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Hint, hint Builder Man (that's the hubby)!

I have been looking into a new pair of shears for per-near 6 months. Here are a few of my top choices:

The Kamisori Teuton
Super long shears (7 inches!!!) made from excellent japanese steel with hand ground convex edges. SWEET!! They also come with a free hair razor.

The Washi Fusion Set of 3
These are much more affordable than the Kamisori shear. They seem to still be a good quality shear with japanese folded steel and a hand-ground convex edge. Launchpad magazine has said good things about them, but they just don't carry the awards that the Kamisori does. That being said, I desperately need a new pair of texturizing and thinning shears and this set has both. Also, the shears can be ordered in a long length (6.5 inches) and they all have get free life-time sharpening. I'm leaning....

The Shisato Mirage
My first pair of shears was a Shisato student shear. They really have been excellent. Again, made from the japanese folded steel,....blah blah blah. When I take them to be sharpened, the man doing it always commments on what a nice set of shears they are. I really have loved them and I am liking this shear (again-7 inches!) and they aren't quite as expensive as the Kamisori, but they don't come with a free texturizing shear or really anything to entice me to buy.

So many choices, so little money.
And really, let's not even talk about the prices on these things. Most people know that professional shears are a bit more pricy than a set of kitchen shears, but few realize that it would take the better part of my monthy pay check to buy any of these. So I'm raising my prices. Ha ha! Just kidding! I'll wait to do that when i am in such demand that I can't keep up! But until then....I'm still taking appointments:)

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